Debbie Jacobs and Monica Smith become playmaids.


Midsummer, Arcy confides to Debbie, that she's in love with Keith Valdor, and that she likes to be kissed by him.

Late Summer, Debbie tells Monica, that her sister likes to be kissed by Keith Valdor, and the start spying on them, to see if Arcy Succeeds.

Keith starts dating Arcy Jacobs.

Early Autumn, Keith Valdor discovers Debbie and Monica and rag them up.


Midsummer In the afternoon at the town, Miranda Calzone bump on to at bunch of girls with Elissa Noneman, Debbie Jacobs, Jean Rowley and Monica Smith.

Miranda Calzone learns, Sir John of Guttric had came to Wondon Castle to propose to Lady Stefani of Wondon, to make an allience between Guttric and Wondon Shire against Malbourgh Shire, who Wondon has been in war with for years.


Summer Equinox Tyra Smith has his brother, Bradley Owens to play, while she's dancing with Miranda Calzone at The Old Witch and theaching her to dance, while Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are curisously watching.

Usualy Theresa Owens stay at home taking care of Katie, but offen he takes Frederic with him, to play and is theaching him.

Autumn Equinox In the afternoon While Philip Arden is eating his lunch, Miranda resume her exercises of dancing with Tyra Smith, while Bradley Owens is playing, and Monica, Debbie Jacobs, Elissa Noneman, Katie Owens and Ricky Warren are watching. Occationly they are also dancing with Monica Smith and Katie Owens.

Philip Arden is getting aroused by watching Miranda Calzone dance.

In the evening, Tyra Smith takes Monica home after she had said goodbye to Debbie Jacobs, and Bradley Owens takes Katie home. Elissa Noneman goes it to the diary and Ricky Warren goes upstairs.

Two days later in the morning, Tyra Smith takes Monica Smith to the grocery, and tells Alicia Jacobs about the concert, and asks her, if she can takes care of Monica and Debbie Jacobs tonight while the concert takes place.

Christmas, Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs sets out to spy on the sister of Debbie, Arcy Jacobs, to see if she'll kiss her boyfrient, Keith Valdor.

Frederic Owens is greeting his cousin, Monica Smith, who's crossing the square with her friend, Debbie Jacobs, and hair her explaining Debbie, there once was a witch, who guarded Wondon shire.

Frederic Owens korrects his cousin by saying, there is no witches in Wondon, and there never has been any.

Monica Smith insists, and there is songs about her deeds.

Frederic Owens orders his friend, Ricky Warren to teach his annoying cousin, Monica Smith, there is no witches at Wondon, and there never was any.

Ricky Warren turns Monica Smith over, and sit on her, while scrubbing her with snow in her face, while Frederic Owens is graping Debbie Jacobs to squze her.

Witchy Vicky exits the grocery in her new clothes, and sees Ricky Warren sitting across Monica Smith scrubbing her head in the snow, and looses her head, to turn Ricky in to a toad with a flash.

Frederic Owens gets scared, and let go of Debbie Jacobs, who starts running to the grocery, pursued by Frederic.

At the grocery, Debbie Jacobs turns around, and smacks Frederic Owens, and she's blaming him, it takes a real witch, to save her friend, Monica Smith.

Frederic Owens makes excuses by saying, he didn't thought, that real witches existed, and offers to sing some songs about witches for her. Debbie accept his puroursle.

When Frederic Owens starts singing the songs about witches, Debbie Jacobs complains, that she didn't got to see. if Kieth Valdor is kissing her sister, Arcy. Frederic is kissing Debbie, and she enjoys the rest of the afternoon, being kissed by Frederic.

In the end of the afternoon, The mother of Debbie Jacobs, Alicia, comes home to the grocery followed by her sister, Arcy, and her boyfriend, Keith and his sister, Emma Valdor, and finds Frederic Owens kissing Debbie.

Alicia Jacobs is having a fit, and Keith Valdor offecs, he and Emma Valdor are following Frederic Owens home.

When Frederic Owens had left the grocery with Keith and Emma Valdor, Alicia Jacobs locks the grocery off, while Arcy and Debbie Jacobs are going upstairs, while Arcy is doxying Debbie for kissing Frederic Owens.

Next day, at the grocery, Debbie Jacobs confides to Monica Smith, she thinks the witch had hit Frederic Owens with a spell enchaming him to kiss her, because he was kissing her all afternoon, yesterday.

Monica Smith is warnimg her, and recoments Debbie Jacobs not to kiss Frederic Owens again, and wants to know, how it was to be kissed by Frederic?

On the way to The Old Witch, Debbie Jacobs replies, it was entarming.

At The Old Witch, Tyra Smith asks Miranda Calzone to do excersize, and when Monica and Debbie Jacobs appeare, Miranda and Monica are excersizing dance together, while Frederic Owens is playing and Debbie is watching them.

Moments later, Ricky Warren and Elissa Noneman from the dairy join Debbie watching them.

At noon, they are interrupted by the arrival of Philip Arden, and they have a break.

At the parlor of The Old Witch, Debbie Jacobs eagerly tells, that yesterday Frederic Owens was hit by a spell from the wicked witch, and spended the afternoon kissing with her.

Monica Smith points out, Frederic Owens isn't allowed to kiss Debbie Jacobs again, but Elissa Noneman wants to know, how is was to be kissed by Frederic?

Debbie Jacobs explains it was enchaming, and that Elissa Noneman shall try it her self.

Monica Smith thinks, as long as Frederic Owens doesn't kiss Debbie Jacobs, it will be allright, if Frederic shyly gives Elissa Noneman a temder wet kiss.

In the afternoon, Miranda Calzone and Monica Smith are dancing to Frederic Owens is playing, and Debbie Jacobs, Elissa Noneman and Ricky Warren are watching on them, and Philip Arden and Tyra Smith are sitting in the snog of the inn.

At the end of the afternoon, Ambra Mareton arrives with David Smith, and Debbie, Frederic Owens and Elissa Noneman goes home.

Next morning, Debbie Jacobs appears from the grocery with a box of scarfs, Miranda Calzone and Monica Smith the can use for making dresses to dance in.

Miranda Calzone takes the challence, and makes a long hoodie for Monica Smith and a transparent dress, she can dance in.

When Bradley and Frederic Owens are arriving, they begin playing and Monica Smith and Miranda Calzone begin dancing to the music.

The excersizes is destubted by Elissa Noneman, who enters The Old Witch with her friend Jean Rowley and her brother, Fredy, to see Miranda Calzone and Monica Smith dance.

David Smith and Fredy Rowley immediately begin playing, while Elissa Noneman annonces, that the witch had hit Frederic Owens with a spell, which makes him kiss the girls encharming.

Jean Rowley is asking, if Frederic Owens can kiss her, and while Debbie Jacobs, Monica Smith and Elissa Noneman are cheering on Frederic, he confedately kisses Jean.

Miranda Calzone is serving lunch in her transparent dress for Tyra and Monica Smith, Debbie Jacobs, Philip Arden and Bradley Owens, while David Smith and Fredy Rowley are playing, while Elissa Noneman and Jean Rowley are kissing Frederic in turns.

Monica Smith wisely points out, she had closely been monitoring her cousin, Frederic Owens, and he hasn't tried to kiss Debbie Jacobs a single time.

Bradley Owens gives up, and tells, Debbie can kiss his son if she wants to.

After lunch, Miranda Calzone and Monica Smith takes up the dancing excersizes, while Bradley Owens's playing, Debbie Jacobs, Elissa Noneman, Jean Rowley are kissing Frederic in turns, while watching the dance, and Tyra Smith and Philip Arden begin playing with David Smith and Fredy Rowley.

In the afternoon, Chris Barrington orders a bottle of Thayn's to share with Emma and Ralph Valdor.

While they are watching Miranda Calzone and Monica Smith dancing, Emma Valdor gets annoyed becase of the transparent dress, Miranda is wearing, and Ralph joins Debbie Jacobs, Elissa Noneman, Jean Rowley, who is amorously chatting with Frederic Owens.

Boris Smith is entering The Old Witch, and hugs Tyra, and ask her, how she's doing.

Tyra Smith tell him, Monica had been dancing with Miranda Calzone all day, and Philip Arden has been playing with David sll day. I doesn't thinks the villainds are hiding any thing — espical not Miranda, she gigglingly adds.

Boris, Tyra, Monica and David Smith goes home to the sheriff office.

Bradley Owens goes home, too, taking Frederic with him, who kissed Debbie Jacobs, Elissa Noneman and Jean Rowley goodbye.

Jean Rowley goes home with her brother, Fredy.

Chris Barrington shyly invites Emma Valdor to dine with hiḿ at home. She's saying goodbye to Ralph Valdor, and tells him, she's going to sleep with Chris tonight, and he must go home alone.

When Ralph Valdor has kissed goodbye to Debbie Jacobs and Elissa Noneman, they all go home.

In the afternoon, the next day Ralph Valdor enters The Old Witch looking for the girls from yesterday, and after having said gooday to his sister, Emma, Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are entering The Old Witch, too.

While Ralph Valdor gets engaged in kissing with Debbie Jacobs, Monica Smith is trying to persuate Miranda Calzone to dance with her again.

Philip Arden asks Miranda Calzone, while she's serving tea for Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs, if she can hold his things for safe keeping, while he's in Rooster Claw?

In the evening, Chris Barrington is entering The Old Witch, too, and begins kissing Emma Valdor.

While Ralph Valdor, Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are going home, Miranda Calzone asks, if Chris Barrington and Emma is going to eat here, but Chris Barrington replies, they are going to eat at his place.

In the afternoon, next day Ralph Valdor enters The Old Witch looking for the girls from yesterday, and after having said gooday to his sister, Emma, Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are entering The Old Witch, too.

While Ralph Valdor gets engaged in kissing with Debbie Jacobs, Monica Smith is trying to persuate Miranda Calzone to dance with her again.

Philip Arden asks Miranda Calzone, while she's serving tea for Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs, if she can hold his things for safe keeping, while he's in Rooster Claw?

In the evening, Chris Barrington is entering The Old Witch, too, and begins kissing Emma Valdor.

While Ralph Valdor, Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are going home, Miranda Calzone asks, if Chris Barrington and Emma is going to eat here, but Chris Barrington replies, they are going to eat at his place.

In the afternoon, next day, Ralph Valdor appaeres accompanied by Debbie Jacobs, and Emma has to go to the kitchen, and cook dinner for them too.

Miranda Calzone hugs Emma Valdor, and sais it is alright,

While Miranda Calzone is cooking, Emma Valdor arrives with a bottle of Thayn's, with she shares with Philip Arden and her brother, Ralph Valdor, who is busy kissing and cuddling with Debbie Jacobs.

In the evening, to their surprice Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs find, Philip Arden drinking wine with Keith sister, Emma, while their brother is kissing the sister of Arcy, Debbie.

Arcy Jacobs suspicious hug har sister, while Kieth Valdor is huging his brother, Ralph and sister, Emma, who tells him, that Miranda Calzone is cooking supper for them.

A Moment later, Chris Barney arrives, too, and Miranda Calzone is serving dinner for them.

While eating and drinking wine, Keith Valdor is telling, they didn't found the wicked witch at Lawrow Lake.

The wicked witch has been seen flying over Templeton Lake in dirction of Grossbourgh Shire, so she's probably there, now, Philip Arden notes, but he has to go to Rooster Claw tomorrow, so somebody else has to go to the castle tomorrow, to notisfiy Sir William.

We did tried something new, Keith Valdor shyly renarks. Arcy and Keith had made love on their trip to Lawrow Lake, and Kieth wants to know, where Emma gets her contraception potion from.

I'm going for contraception potion in Rooster Claw tomorrow, and he can take an exsta crate with him, for Arcy Jacobs, Philip Arden helpfully remarks.

Emma Valdor, who does wants her brother, Keith, to make an unexspected child on Arcy Jacobs, suggests Arcy can store a crate of potion at Chris Barrington.

Chis Barrington firmely points out, as much as he loves Emma Valdor, he don't wants his house turned in to a love shack for Keith and Arcy Jacobs. They have to go somewhere else to do their shagging.

Miranda Calzone kindly suggests, she keeps a crate of potion in safe for Arcy Jacobs, and away from Julie Warren, and Arcy can have it here, at The Old Witch.

Arcy Jacobs agree to give Philip Arden the money to buy a crate of potion for her, and Emma offecs, to go to the castle tomorrow, to forward the message, while Philip Arden is at Rooster Claw.

Later, when Kieth and Ralph Valdor are following Arcy and Debbie Jacobs home, Arcy is having a firm grib on the hair of her sister, and tells her, if their mother hear anything about the potion, she's going to tell their mother, she had kissed and cuddled with Ralph.

In the evening, two days later Philip Arden arrives safely at The Old Witch, where Ralph Valdor is Following Debbie Jacobs home after having Kissed and cuddled with her all afternoon.

Philip Arden whispers to Debbie Jacobs, before she leavs, she can tell her sister, Arcy, he'll give a crate of potion for her to Miranda Calzone, for safe keeping.

At the town square, the cousin of Frederic Owens, Monica Smith and her friend Debbie Jacobs come out, to kiss him goodbye.

Then they had kissed Frederic Owens goodbye, Debbie Jacobs wants to tell Monica Smith a secret.

Debbie Jacobs whipers to Monica Smith, that her mother mustn't know, but her sister has bought contraseption potion, and she likes to know, if Arcy and Keith Valdor are doing it.

At the afternoon, Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs dart down to the timberyard, to hid where they can watch, Arcy Jacobs and Keith Valdor kissing.

While watching Keith Valdor and Arcy Jacobs kissing, Ralph discovers Monica Smith, and to take his attention away from Debbie, she gives him a tender kiss, and he's kissing her back.

Monica Smith likes snoging with Ralph Valdor, but his brother, Keith, spots his brother is kissing Monica, and wants to know, what Monica is doing, at the timberyard, at the same time when Debbie discovers, Monica is kissing her boyfrient.

Debbie Jacobs likes to give Ralph Valdor a rage, when Arcy pulles her hair, and she has to deffend herself.

Debbie and Monica fly the timberyard together.


Debbie starts dating Alexander Johnson at Lawrow Lake


Debbie starts working at the grocer of Wondon

Debbie and Alexander Johnson starts dating regular.

Early Summer at the funeral of Nigel Scott, she have at flit with Alexander Reise.